The Dhaka Times
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Smartphone battery will be charged in just 30 seconds!

The Dhaka Times Desk Smartphone users have to face the great dilemma of charging the battery. Modern smartphones have a lot of programs so the charge is very low. This time, an Israeli company, Stardot, says that their invented method will charge the mobile battery in just 30 seconds!


Fast charging of smartphones is no longer a dream and is going to become a reality in a very short time. Israeli company Stardot has developed the battery material from an organic chemical mixture. Batteries made with this material will be lighter and cost less.

Stardot said that the battery that they invented will have incredible conductivity (electrode) and electricity generation (electrolyte) capabilities. As a result, no longer waiting for hours to recharge the battery, only a few seconds are enough. This battery can charge as fast as it can hold charge for a long time. It will be possible to use the mobile continuously for many times by charging it once.

The lithium ion used in common batteries is not environmentally friendly, at the same time it and other materials used with it are toxic. But the new organic material used by Stardot has nothing harmful to the environment. This battery will act as a super capacitor on the one hand which recharges quickly and it discharges slowly like a lithium electrode.

According to Stardot, very soon this new powerful battery made by them will be seen in the devices of mobile manufacturing companies, which will change the idea of irony with smartphone charging.

Source: dnextweb

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