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Free voice call service has been added to the Facebook Messenger app!

The Dhaka Times Desk Facebook updated its Messenger app last Thursday, adding new features to better voice calls. This new version of Facebook Messenger app has added some new features for the convenience of users.


In the new version of the app, users can easily change their location indicator between calls and find their next contact. Facebook Messenger's voice call feature looks similar to other messaging apps like Viber and WeChat. Users can easily call their friends for free. Facebook first added voice calling messages in January 2013. Facebook has already come a long way in terms of messaging services. They have also managed to integrate some other services like WhatsApp with themselves. But Facebook's service was not very convenient when it comes to voice calls. It is expected that they will advance in this field with this new feature.


Many tech experts believe that this new update may come integrated with WhatsApp. The Facebook Messenger app is available on Apple iOS, Android and Windows Phone. Earlier version of Facebook Messenger also had voice calling feature but it was not as advanced as other voice calling services. The new version has tried to eliminate its errors.

Read more about Facebook: From the Facebook Memories service, users can publish Facebook messages in book form

Reference: Mashable

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