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Say goodbye to modems, turn on high-speed Wi-Fi on Android and use the net on multiple devices!

The Dhaka Times Desk You can easily share the internet on your computer by using the Android device as a Wi-Fi hotspot. Apart from computer, you can share internet from your smartphone to multiple devices at the same time.


Many people know that Android devices can be easily used as Wi-Fi hotspots. But for those who don't know yet, here is our tutorial today. Let's see how you can turn on Wi-Fi hotspot on your device very easily.

First you need to buy a Wi-Fi adapter for the computer. However, you can easily share the Internet on laptops or other devices that have WiFi. But before that he has to follow the following procedures.

First from your device settings Wireless & networks > Tethering & portable hotspot Click on The following screen will appear


After clicking on Tethering & portable hotspot, the WiFi hot spot will appear as shown in the image below. Check here.


Now your wifi hot spot is on but in this case you need to make settings to ensure some security issues. So that no stranger can use your device's Internet via Wi-Fi. For this (Jelly Bean) you need to double click on the WiFi section. Only then will the Tethering hotspot settings appear.


If you don't change any settings, your WiFi hotspot will be open to everyone so everyone in your area can browse the net using your WiFi. So what you need to do here is to enter the name of your Wi-Fi hotspot in the Network SSID text box. When you turn on Wi-Fi from the laptop, it will display a list of all visible hotspots in the area. From there, this name is given to understand which one is yours.

After that you need to select WPA2 PSK from the two choices Open and WPA2 PSK in the Security drop-down list. Open is a way to connect to a hotspot without a password. And WPA2 PSK is the most secure method.

Now enter a minimum 8 character password in the password field. and exit with save. Again from settings Wireless & networks > Tethering & portable hotspot again see if WiFi is on. Now you turn on the wifi of your laptop, computer or other devices, just search for the device and you will see the name of your device, your wifi hotspot is showing there. From there, by clicking on your name and entering the password, your device will get high-speed Wi-Fi connection on the Android mobile.

This is why you must keep your password safe, remember that many people around you will see your device as a WiFi hotspot. If someone knows your hotspot password, they can secretly access data from your device. So change the password occasionally.

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