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Why is it necessary to know the blood group of the husband and wife before marriage?

The Dhaka Times Desk Before marriage we are very much concerned about the genealogy, relatives etc. of the two families and try to know all the related information. But more importantly I am not interested in knowing about blood group. Today we will highlight this important topic for the readers of The Dhaka Times why it is so important for us to know?


First let's know what blood group or blood group?

The blood group of our body is determined by two processes the first one is called ABO System. Which are basically blood groups like, A, B, AB and O. Then the second is Rh factor or Rhesus factor. There are two categories Rh+ or Rh positive and Rh- or Rh negative. The blood group is determined by the association of the Rhesus factor with the ABO system of the blood. That is, blood ABO is associated with the Rhesus factor to determine whether the blood is positive or negative.

Now let's see if the blood of one group is given to the body of another group, what will happen?

Initially nothing happens. But in this case an antibody will be produced in the person's body. As a result, if the person receives the opposite type of blood again in the future, it will take a terrible shape. Blood cells in the blood will break down, causing the person to die suddenly. This is called ABO incompatibility. So if someone's blood is positive, then he is given positive blood and if he is negative, he is given negative blood. Generally O group blood is called universal donor. That is, this blood can be given to all groups but it must match positive and negative. And AB is called universal receiver.

So what should be the blood of husband and wife?

If husband's blood group is positive then wife's blood group should also be positive. And if the husband's blood group is negative, then the wife must be positive or negative. But of course, if the husband's blood group is positive, the wife's blood group must be positive.

If not, what could be the problem?

If the blood group of the husband is positive and the blood group of the wife is negative, then a gene called lethal gene is produced which kills the zygote produced by their union. As a result stillborn babies are born. If the husband's blood group is positive, the child's blood group is also positive. If the husband's blood group is positive but the wife's blood group is negative, the wife carries a fetus or embryo of the positive group. During delivery positive fetal blood, placental barrier or normal fetal displacement will occur. As a result, an Rh antibody will be produced in the woman's body for the new blood group. It will not create any problem in the birth of the first child. But in the case of a second pregnancy, Rh antibodies produced during the birth of the previous child can break the placental barrier of the body. As a result, excessive bleeding or stillbirth may occur during second child birth. This is called in medical language Rh incompaltibility.

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