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Simple home remedies to remove blackheads on face and nose

The Dhaka Times Desk Blackheads or unwanted black hairs detract from the beauty of the face. It is possible to remove this blackhead at home, you need to understand the skin type and take the appropriate approach. If you have oily skin, you can use the pack 3-5 times a week, dry and sensitive skin 1 time a week and normal skin every day in a week.

How to Remove Blackheads_result

Various Blackhead Removal Packs:

Lemon and Sour Yogurt Pack: Make a pack with 2 teaspoons of besan, 3 teaspoons of sour yogurt and 1 teaspoon of lemon juice, apply it on the blackhead affected area for 10 minutes and wash your face thoroughly with cold water.

Pack of Baking Powder: Make a pack by mixing 2 teaspoons of baking powder and 4 teaspoons of water and apply it thickly on the affected area. After 10-12 minutes, when the pack dries, wash your face thoroughly with cold water.

Egg Pack: If you have extra thick blackhead, beat egg white and mix it with 1 teaspoon of honey and apply the pack on the affected area. After 20-25 minutes, wash the face with lukewarm water.

Tomato Pack: Tomato is an antiseptic. Apply tomato paste on the face and nose before going to bed at night and leave it overnight and wash the face well in the morning after waking up.

Pack made with honey: Blackhead is more troublesome on oily skin, honey is very effective in removing this problem.

Apply honey on blackhead affected area and wash face with lukewarm water after 15 minutes.

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