The Dhaka Times
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'DB Police' at Elias' house late at night!

Dhaka Times Report. A team of 'DB Police' came to search the house of missing BNP leader M Elias Ali at 1 am. But Elijah's family did not open the gate of the house so they could not enter. News from
গভীর রাতে ইলিয়াসের বাসায় ‘ডিবি পুলিশ’! 1
The online news agency reported that Tahsina Rushdie's wife Ilyas reported the matter. He said that everyone in the house was sleeping. Suddenly at one o'clock in the night someone started hitting the gate of my house. Then the doorman asked who are you? In reply they said, 'We are DB Police. I came to search the house.' At this time, the people of the house panicked.

The DB police also had an argument between the family members about whether it was right to come to a house at such a late night. Later the doorman was instructed not to open the gate. 'Journalists have been informed, they will indeed open the gates.' Rushdi said that they left after hearing this.

When Ilyas' wife called Gulshan police station, the officer in charge told her that maybe the DB patrol police had gone to your house. Expressing his angry reaction to this incident, Rushdie said, 'We are living in a country. My family and I are going through a dangerous time right now. My husband has been missing for a long time. We are worried about him. In the meantime, what kind of incident is the raid on a house in the name of DB police. What is the purpose of keeping us in more fear?'

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