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Let's see how Harry Potter actors look today!

The Dhaka Times Desk There is no shortage of interest among teenage audiences now and then in the popular film Harry Potter. Let's take a look at how Harry Potter actors look now.


Emma Watson: Hermione, Harry Potter's youngest daughter, is now a young adult, but her bubbly childlike personality has not changed. Emma's upcoming film is titled “Noah.”

Rupert Grint:


I remember the story of Harry Potter who was afraid of spiders. That Ran is now a much older young man. Recently Ran's movie "Mojo" was released, in which Ran also performed a crying scene like Harry Potter.

Tom Felton:


Harry Potter's antagonist is Darko Murfoy, the little boy who played a lot of villains and is now a much-mature hero, starring in his recent film “In Secret” where Felton plays the good guy.

Harry Mellin:


Everyone knows Dudley Dorsey as the chubby kid who played Harry's cousin in the Harry Potter movies.

Sister Wright:


Still as beautiful as Ginny Weasley, who stole Harry Potter's heart in the film, Wright is currently taking Hollywood by storm with her recently released comedy about small-town beauty pageants.

Devon Murray:


Haricopter named Samus Finnigan who could create a terrifying explosion with a magic wand. The child is now a grown man. Note that Devon is currently not associated with any film. However, he is involved in various works for various charities.

Katy Leung:


Everyone remembers this Harry Potter actress named Cho Chang because of that famous kiss with Harry! Katy is currently starring in the mini drama Run in Hollywood.

Matthew Lewis:


Matthew Lewis played the role of Neville Longbottom in the Harry Potter films and is now a grown man.

Ivana Lionch:


Luna Lovegood played the titular Ivana in The Raptor, and is currently acting in Hollywood.

James and Olive


Do you remember Harry Potter's twins? They are much bigger now! Preparing themselves for the new film Hamot.

Daniel Radcliffe:


Daniel Radcliffe is the lead actor who played the title role in the Harry Potter films. That little Harry Potter is so big now, he's a great actor now. Daniel is currently starring in the drama series “A Young Doctor's Notebook.” Acting.

Source: Mashable

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