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Memory only makes people cry or benefit?

The Dhaka Times Desk Memories make people cry - this saying is not always true. Memory enhancement can also be beneficial for human life. Reminiscing about the past helps people feel optimistic and less anxious about the future. Research has shown that nostalgia is not only a reminiscing emotion surrounding the past, but also helps us to be optimistic about the future.


University of Southampton Dr. Tim Wildschat was involved in the research and wrote the paper. The research Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin This is revealed.

  • In one study, a group of participants were asked to recall past memorable events and write about them. Another group is asked to write about what they think is a common event. Observing the writings of the two groups, it can be seen that those who wrote about memorable events had more optimism in their writings, but less optimism in the writings of those who wrote about ordinary events.
  • In another study, two groups were asked to listen to nostalgic music and the other to ordinary music. At the same time they are also allowed to read the lyrics of those songs. The study found that most people who experienced nostalgic music were more optimistic about life, but those who listened to ordinary music expressed less optimism about life.

According to Wildschat, nostalgia helps to light the hope in people's mind and thus one can overcome their pessimism about the future. Memories of the past can help people develop a better sense of self-worth. Research has made it clear that recalling old memories is beneficial for finding happiness in life and being optimistic about your future rather than worrying about it.

Reference: Daily Mail

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