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The new memory card will work like the human brain

The Dhaka Times Desk Now scientists are claiming that they have discovered a type of memory storage device that is very subtle and will work much like the human brain. This has become possible after many years of research.


Generally, two types of memory work in storing data or information, volatile and non-volatile in English, they are called volatile and non-volatile, non-volatile memory is a type of memory that is able to work in all cases even when there is no charge or power in it. It is not given then. Scientists have long sought to make this non-volatile memory smaller and finer so that it can hold more memories.

RMIT Functional Materials and Microsystems Research Group Under its guidance and under that effort this time has been successful. RMIT team leader Sharath Sriram said, "We have been trying to create a type of memory that can work like the human brain for a long time. Finally, we are so close to it, that the memory can be easily flashed and recalled with this delicate device we have invented. And we used a finer kind of film in it."

He also said that it will be possible to use this small but powerful memory made by us in computers or other devices, which can store a lot of information at once and which can be used very quickly when needed.

Source: The TechJournal, ScienceAlert

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