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Fossils of birds from the dinosaur era were found in Brazil!

The Dhaka Times Desk Researchers claim they have discovered a dinosaur-era bird that is 100 million years old. The fossil was discovered by scientists from a lake-like desert in Cruzeiro de Ocester, southern Brazil. Researchers think there may be more fossils here.


The newly found fossil is about 8 feet long. This bird-like fossil is named Pterosaur. Such dinosaur age animals could fly in the sky. A large number of bones are found at this fossil site indicating that there are many more animal fossils here. Researchers here first began studying the bones of an animal they realized was a fossil of a bird from the genus Pterosaurs. Then they found that the bones of more animals of this tribe were scattered here. From this it is concluded that there are more fossils of pterosaurs. In the language of paleontologists, when many fossil bones are scattered together in a location, it is called a "bone bed". This Bone Bed is spread over 215 square feet.


The lead researcher of the study is Dr. Alexander Keller of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro. He said the first pterosaur they found was thought to be very young and was trying to reach that age. Animals of this tribe have large heads out of proportion to their normal body weight. In addition, it is believed that there was a pterosaur colony at the location they found. Researchers believe that the discovery of pterosaurs will help to better understand the age of dinosaurs. Besides this research will give an idea about the environment of that time.

Reference: The Daily Mail

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