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Open skies will be seen during air travel

The Dhaka Times Desk There is no connection to the outside world except for a small window next to the seat during sky travel. As a passenger you will feel trapped in a cage. But the days of such thinking are ending, now as a passenger of the plane you will see the whole sky from your seat, you will see the outside world full of life.


An aircraft design company named “Technicon Design Paris” has designed such an aircraft. They have installed a digital screen inside the aircraft and some cameras outside the aircraft will display the panoramic view captured by their cameras on this screen. As a result, passengers will feel like they are traveling in an open-top plane. Besides, business conferences can be held on this plane. Presentations will be displayed on the screen, possibly video conferencing.

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The company 'Technicon Design Paris' designed this aircraft for a national business association. One of the conditions of the business association was that outside the conventional aircraft design, it should be designed in such a way that a business conference or seminar can be held there. "The conditions were quite challenging for us," said the Technikon executive. Because it is ok to change the design of the aircraft but it must be able to fly in the sky. As such, the design can be problematic in flight.

Technicon's design has already won the International Yacht and Aviation Award. Transparent creates fear in many people when it comes to air travel. But this design will be quite pleasant in terms of air travel.

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