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See what Mars was like 4 billion years ago? (video and pictures)

The Dhaka Times Desk There is no end to the curiosity of scientists about the red planet Mars, what would it be like if there was water on Mars or how was Mars at that time if there was water on Mars at any time in the past? From that idea, NASA released a video of Mars.


Scientists say that if there was water on Mars, the situation there could have been different, life would have existed there. But despite a lot of research, scientists are still unable to confirm the location of water on Mars. There is desert everywhere. However, scientists are of the opinion that there must have been water on the red planet Mars at some point in the past and life existed there at that time. However, due to the evolution of time, there may be no water there, so life does not exist, because of the lack of water, everything there is a dusty desert.


NASA researchers, however, are talking about this type of evidence with special evidence behind their idea, before NASA announced that they have found the existence of potable water on Mars. As a result, Mars has become a mysterious planet for scientists.


Now NASA Goddard Conceptual Image Lab Building on the fascination with Mars and the results of NASA's research there so far, Fala has released a special video showing the state of Mars 4 million years ago. The video shows that Mars has the same water availability as Earth, while its sky is blue like Earth's.

Let's take a look at the video released by NASA:

Source: The TechJournal

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