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NASA will send people to Mars in 2030!

The National Aeronautics and Space Administration can easily proceed with the mission to send people to the 'red planet' Mars.

The Dhaka Times Desk Now the goal is fixed. The National Aeronautics and Space Administration will send humans to Mars only after the completion of the lunar mission.

নাসা ২০৩০ সালে মঙ্গলগৃহে মানুষ পাঠাবে! 1

At the rate at which research is progressing so far, NASA will send crews to build a 'deep-space gateway' around Earth's moon by 2027. If the mission succeeds, NASA will move towards Mars, which is thought to be possible in 2030.

NASA researchers claim that the American space agency is thinking of creating a 'deep-space gateway' around the moon, through which the National Aeronautics and Space Administration can easily proceed with the mission of sending people to the red planet Mars. If this can be done, the year 2030 will be remembered by the whole world. This is because NASA's Mars mission will mark the first time a human has set foot on the Martian soil, making glorious history.

It should be noted that man landed on the moon on July 21, 1969. American astronaut Neil Armstrong was the first man to set foot on the lunar soil, creating a memorable history. 48 years have passed since the composition of that glorious chapter. Now waiting for people to step on Mars!

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