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Abdullah Yameen won the Maldives presidential election!

The Dhaka Times Desk The neighboring SAARC country of Bangladesh held the presidential election in the Maldives, where Abdullah Yameen won the presidential election!


In short:

  • The election was held in the Maldives after a long period of political tension.
  • The newly elected President Abdullah Yameen got 51.1% votes.
  • The nearest rival former President Mohammad Nasheed got 48.6% votes.
  • Both the winning and losing sides accepted the result.

Details: Abdullah Yameen got 51.1% votes and his nearest rival former President Mohammad Nasheed got 48.6% votes in the voting results. According to the data of the Maldives Election Commission, the voter turnout in the second phase of the presidential election is about 98 percent.

Meanwhile, former President Mohammad Nasheed said he accepted the results and would continue to work to uphold the Maldives' future democracy. Note that earlier in 2012 Mohammad Nasheed was forced to leave power.


On the other hand, sources related to the election have informed that there are still 2, 3 ballot boxes to be counted, but these votes will not make any difference in the results, Abdullah Yameen has won the election.

Mohammad Nasheed's team MDP In an official tweet, they said, “ MDP A democratic party and we accept this result to uphold democracy. As a democratic political party we believe in the principles of democracy. As the opposition party, we will try to fulfill our responsibilities properly."

After a long period of political tension, this election in Maldives was held with the intervention of foreign diplomats. Earlier, the September 7 election was annulled by the Maldives Supreme Court on grounds of rigging.

The newly elected President of the Maldives, Abdullah Yameen, is the brother of the former President of the Maldives, Mohammed Abdul Gayoom, who ruled the Maldives for 30 consecutive years.

Source: BBC

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