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Child labour: turning the nation into a talentless nation

The Dhaka Times Desk Child labor has become a major problem in our country. At the age when children are supposed to be studying, a child has to work for a living. This child labor is turning the nation into a talentless nation.

Such a situation in the cities of Bangladesh. Scenes of child labor can be seen in the wilderness on the way to the city. Although child labor is prohibited under the law, the law is being obeyed. The law prohibits the employment of any child below the age of 14 years for regular work.

But despite that, millions of children in Bangladesh are engaged in various types of work. The law also prohibits the employment of children under the age of 18 in hazardous labour. But in this case also the reality is different.

Save the Children, an organization that works with children, says that although there are various laws and policies to eliminate child labor, there is no implementation of these. Especially those engaged in domestic work are more at risk.

The problem of child labor is more pronounced in cities. Children of rickshaw pullers or day laborers in city slums are engaged in these labours. From a young age, children are taken away from reading and engaged in work.

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In recent times, children are seen to be employed in more menial jobs. Children are being engaged in hazardous work like welding. Many children are also employed in the country's garments. However, due to the strict imposition of foreign companies, child labor in garments has decreased somewhat in recent times. But employment of children in other risky jobs still continues. Sometimes these children are seen doing hard work like carrying bricks in brick kilns.

Many times slum children are seen knocking garbage in the dustbin. Various diseases are spreading among children. In this way, children are engaged in various types of risky work.

A movement against child labor should be developed and made aware among these lower class people. Society members need to come forward in this regard. Otherwise, the future generation of children of this country will be unskilled and this nation will become a crippled nation.

This post was last modified on নভেম্বর ১৯, ২০১৩ 3:43 pm

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