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Never click on those types of Facebook posts

The Dhaka Times Desk There are some posts on Facebook that if you click on them, the post goes to the wall of almost all your friends without your knowledge. Then it becomes uncomfortable for you too. If you want to avoid these incidents, you need to be careful.


One-fact story

Sometimes it is seen that many people share various facts about celebrities. You might be interested and click on it directly, it can't be done. This may cause all your profile information to be indexed somewhere else! If the news is really interesting, search it on Google!

Breaking News

Stay away from clicking any post related to Breaking News. They are not really breaking news. But if you click on the link, there is a possibility that all your information will be stolen!

Like begging

Many fan pages post begging for likes. Avoid these. Fanpages want likes by naming various social activities or winning a contest. Make sure you are not being scammed before you like!

Diet posts

Sometimes it is seen that there are posts about the success of losing weight, where there are various links. Avoid them too. These posts contain various trojans, worm viruses, if you click on them, the virus can come to your computer and delete everything!

Recognize fake news

Sometimes sharing weird news with even weirder links. be careful It is better not to click on fake source links other than your known and trusted news media.

Gift cards

With this, the virus spreads very quickly to your profile and computer. At the same time, these gift cards go to the walls of all your friends. Stay away from free gift cards. These gift cards are a master at stealing not only your personal information, but also the personal information of your friend's friends!

Reference: Times of India

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