The Dhaka Times
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Some strange minded people who just want to take pictures!

The Dhaka Times Desk Photography is a favorite hobby of people. Many people want to keep the memory. But what can be said about those who are busy taking pictures even in a moment of danger? Let's see some pictures of such strange people.


The way this man took the picture shows that he is not afraid of falling, even the mobile phone can fall from such a height!


The angry animal behind may bite him, but where is the focus? Before taking pictures!


He didn't hold onto the bar with both hands despite the fact that he was standing too high to topple over. Instead of posing for a photo with one hand!


The person in the photo is a firefighter. The fire is burning behind, everyone is busy putting out the fire. And he is busy taking pictures with a wide smile!


Shark traffic around. So what! What happens if you don't take a picture in this environment!


There is nothing wrong with taking pictures at a party. But if it goes too far, there's no way you'll get slapped!


Taking photos with camels may have been the main purpose of this girl. But the pose was not going well. At the end, when this pose got the thought of saving the head did not even come!


It's not supposed to be coffee time for jet plane drivers, but this driver is literally taking pictures of himself!


A ball rushes behind and hits him on the head. No one cares about that, what a beautiful sweet smile is taking pictures of this beauty!


Taking photos is the main goal! If the competitor gets the chance to kill him, he may have realized that after the meal!

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