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Five thousand years old salt mine, which is still usable today!

The Dhaka Times Desk A 5,000-year-old salt mine 1,300 feet below the surface was recently discovered in Turkey. The amazing thing is, these salts can still be used today!


It is believed that this salt mine was built around 3000 BC. They are still usable today!


The original owners of the mines were the Hittites Ra, who built huge empires in the ancient Middle East, and used their hands to mine salt.


Photos taken by Melih Sular. who submitted these images to the 2013 National Geographic Photo Connect Test.


It is estimated that there are still 1 billion tons of salt deposits! Now 500 tons of salt is collected from here every day.

Melih Sular said, “I have never seen anything like this in my life. I thought again and again what will happen if it collapses! The salt mine is cold and odorless. It's a wonder how the Hittites invented salt making so many years ago!” The empire of the Hittites spread from Türkiye to Syria and Iraq.


The salts are separated from the clay by blasting dynamite with the technical skills of 16 people. The salts are still about 90 percent pure. The salts are then taken to the factory and marketed after further purification.


Reference: DailyMail

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