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Cabbage has many properties including disease prevention

The Dhaka Times Desk Cabbage is actually a winter curry. But now this coppice is being cultivated throughout the year. Cabbage has many properties including disease prevention which is essential for everyone.


Earlier we saw that cabbage was seen only in winter. But now this cabbage is available in the market almost throughout the year. Although we think of it as a simple curry, this cabbage has a lot of vitamins. These vitamins are very useful for the human body.

Today let's talk about the qualities of this versatile cabbage.


What are the nutrients in cabbage?

  • # contains 1.3 grams of protein per 100 grams of cabbage
  • # 4.7 grams of sugar
  • # 0.06 mg Vitamin B1
  • # 0.05 mg Vitamin B2
  • # 60 mg Vitamin C
  • # 31mg of calcium per 100g of cabbage
  • # 0.8 mg iron
  • # 600 mcg carotene
  • # has a nutritional value of 26 kcal

(1) Maintains good bones

Cabbage is rich in vitamin C and K. Vitamin C removes various bone problems. Also, vitamin K present in cabbage keeps the rate strong. Experts say that people who eat cabbage regularly are protected from age-related bone problems.

(2) What vitamins are there?

Many people take multi vitamin tablets regularly to eliminate the lack of vitamins in the body. Did you know that if you eat cabbage regularly, you won't need to take a multi-vitamin? Because cabbage contains all the vitamins needed by the body. Cabbage contains riboflavin, pantothenic acid and thiamine.

(3) Ulcer problems

People who are suffering from ulcers should eat cabbage regularly. Because studies have shown that cabbage prevents ulcers. Cabbage is no match for stomach ulcers and peptic ulcers. A recent study by Stanford University has shown that cabbage juice is a very beneficial and natural medicine for ulcers.

(4) Reduces weight

Cabbage is very low in cholesterol and saturated fat. Cabbage has a lot of fiber. Regular salad is not an option for those who want to lose weight. And keep cabbage in your daily salad. A large amount of cabbage in a salad does not add extra calories. So if you want to lose weight, keep a lot of cabbage in your regular food list.

(5) Cabbage to keep the skin healthy

Many people may know that there is no match for vitamin E to keep the skin healthy. And cabbage has a lot of vitamin E. Cabbage has free radical fighting properties, which can solve any skin problem. Regular consumption of cabbage does not show signs of aging on the skin. So those who want to keep good skin can eat more cabbage.

(6) Cabbage increases immunity

Cabbage helps boost immunity. If you want to keep yourself healthy by boosting your immune system, add cabbage to your daily diet. Studies have shown that people who eat cabbage regularly have a higher immune system than others. Experts say that vitamin C present in cabbage helps to increase immunity.

So let's eat more cabbage and live a healthy and beautiful life.

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