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The father requested to remove the picture of his son's murder from Google Maps

The Dhaka Times Desk Google Maps has been accused of breaching personal privacy by uploading updated images from satellites. The latest such incident was in 2009, when the body of a murdered teenager was still visible on Google Maps, and the boy's father requested that it be removed.


In 2009, the body of a 14-year-old boy named Kevin was found inside a train station in California. Recently when Google Maps updated their servers from satellite, this image was uploaded.

The picture shows a white-clad body lying next to the railway line, with a police car nearby and some policemen observing the body.

Kevin's father Jose Barrera said, “When I see the picture it hurts me a lot. I think this is just yesterday's event! Reminded me of many memories of my son.

The sad thing is that the police have not been able to find out who killed the boy. As a result, the case remains unsolved. Father Jose Barrera has already sent an email to search giant Google requesting the removal of the image.

It is also believed that Google is also under some pressure due to the spread of this scandal in various major online media, moreover, the film goes with violence, which does not fall under Google's policy. Google is expected to remove the image soon, but as of writing this report The image is still online Which you can see directly on google map below.

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before that Robbers caught with the help of Google Street View! Besides The scene of a man being killed and carried away was also captured on Google Street View.

Reference: TheTechJournal

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