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Harry Potter from the movie in reality! [video]

The Dhaka Times Desk Harry Potter's popularity is worldwide. The writer J.K.Rowling has taken us on a journey to the wonderful world of magic with a little boy. Although Harry Potter does not exist in reality, the real Harry Potter was seen at a railway station!


A large white owl, just like the real Harry Potter movies, and wearing shirt pants entered the station.


As mentioned in the movie about the platform number nine and a half, here too Harry is asking everyone where is the platform number 9 3/4!


When everyone around understood, they started taking pictures. They were shocked by this real Harry Potter!


Harry is his friend Ron Weasley Who was looking for!


Harry Potter had no shortage of efforts to find the platform number nine and a half!


He owls his backpack to the security guard Hedwig Who was taken to be checked, although he did not need it!


Suddenly a woman told him the whereabouts of platform number nine and a half!


And Harry Potter got his desired nine and a half platform. But he just hit the wall, no magic happened!

Watch the video of the entire incident on YouTube

Reference: Buzzfeed

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