Categories: Science-invention

NASA sends unmanned spacecraft to study Martian weather

The Dhaka Times Desk NASA has already announced that water and life once existed on Mars, the neighboring planet of Earth, and now it has sent the unmanned spacecraft Maven to Mars to conduct more detailed research on these issues.

The full name of this unmanned spacecraft sent by NASA to Mars is Mars Atmosphere and Volatile Evolution (Maven). Its main task will be to get a detailed understanding of the Martian climate and conduct research.

The rocket carrying the spacecraft is named Atlas V 401. NASA spent about 671 million dollars to build the complete vehicle which is 5200 crores in Bangladeshi taka. It will spend about 10 months in space and reach Mars by September 2014.

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NASA's mission is different in that its research target is not the Martian subsurface, but rather the Martian climate and atmosphere. The Martian atmosphere has never been tested before. David Mitchell, NASA's project manager for this space mission, said the spacecraft will conduct research to unravel the mysteries of the upper atmosphere of Mars.

NASA's mission director also said that everything has been completed properly and after the next 10 months, this million dollar spacecraft will start its work. Mars Atmosphere and Volatile Evolution will conduct its year-long mission by orbiting Mars from an altitude of about 6,000 kilometers in space. It will conduct a detailed study of the atmospheric conditions of the Martian sky.

The main task of this spacecraft will be to find out the answers to these questions, how the past water of the red planet Mars dried up today and what kind of climate changed during that time.

Source: Economic Times

This post was last modified on নভেম্বর ২১, ২০১৩ 10:15 pm


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