The Dhaka Times
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10 Gifts That Will Delight Children With Intellectual Disabilities

The Dhaka Times Desk There is a section of our society who are intellectually disabled, so you have to think a lot about what to gift them on their birthday or special day, so this post today is about some gift ideas.


LED light bubble song: This is one of the most wonderful gifts for the mentally challenged. The LED can shoot different colored bubbles which will delight your child. So you can choose one of these LED toys as a gift.

Laser fog lights:


Your child will be very happy when he can see the colorful fog on the walls of the room through the laser, so you can give such a toy as a gift.

A colorful aquarium with jellyfish


Children with intellectual disabilities are more attracted to colorful things so you can gift them a colorful aquarium.

Agnigiri Lamp:


Currently, there are various such lamps available in the market, you can give them as a gift if you want.

Laser stars:

The sky and starlight are scattered on the walls of the room by means of a laser, so you can choose such a gift.

GoTalk Toys:

These types of toys are available in the market, if you press a certain button, this toy says the name of the picture of that button, so this type of toy will help your child to increase communication and speaking skills.

Monster or Doll Bowling Set:

This kind of gift will make your child interested in working more technically i.e. intellectually or mentally so it is not bad to give this kind of gift.

Vibrating egg:

This can be a fun gift. Such toys are mostly used for people with different intellectual disabilities.

Crush bed:

Such a bed can be a great gift as it will give him a source of entertainment.

Chewable toys:


There are many toys available in the market that children enjoy chewing, so you can choose such a toy for a mentally challenged child.

Note: We are not therapists or doctors, this is just our advisory report.

Source:  List25

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