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The island of Kiribati is sinking into the Pacific Ocean (Video)

The Dhaka Times Desk Among the numerous islands in the Pacific Ocean, the island nation of Kiribati is slowly sinking under the influence of rising sea levels caused by global warming, a nation disappearing into the ocean.


Kiribati is an island nation in the Pacific Ocean with a population of about 100,000 and a separate government system. But the island of Kiribati is one of the countries in danger amid fears of rising sea levels as a result of global warming that has been building up around the world for several years. Meanwhile, Kiribati has begun to disappear into the ocean.

As Kiribati began to sink, the process of evacuating its people as refugees has also begun. According to the analysis of the researchers, the highest part of the island of Kiribati will be washed away by the ocean currents by the next 2030.

Already, the water in this region has become salty due to the intrusion of sea water, so the water there has become unfit for drinking. The president of the island of Kiribati has already started the process of evacuating people there.

Meanwhile the President of Kiribati Anote Tong Fall into a terrible problem! On the one hand, to save the people in the current context of the country, he first needs a lot of money and at the same time a model agreement with another country under the agreement that country will accommodate more than 100,000 people of Kiribati in its own country!

Kiribati is rich in fish resources but currently there is no way to protect their own territory. The country's president bought 6,000 acres of land from the Fiji government but this amount of land is not enough to accommodate such a large population, so more land needs to be bought.

Not only Kiribati, many countries of the world will be affected by environmental disaster due to global warming and will be lost in the sea, around 2050 many regions of our Bangladesh will also be lost in the sea like Kiribati. Kiribati's government is in danger with only 1 million people, but we have hundreds of millions of people! Where will our government go with so many people? Or which country will give us a place? Although many do not think about it now, it will become a billion dollar question one day.

Kiribati in video:

Source: The TechJournal

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