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Brief World News-10 (30-5-12)

Dhaka Times Desk Like every week, today we will bring you interesting news from around the world - hope you like it.
সংক্ষিপ্ত বিশ্ব সংবাদ -১০ (৩০-৫-১২) 1
Pakistan will test nuclear missiles again

Pakistan will conduct nuclear missile tests again by the end of this month. Citing the report published in the country's Jio News, the Times of India reported this. According to the report, this surface-to-surface nuclear missile named 'Nasr' is capable of hitting targets 180 kilometers away. It has high targeting capability. According to sources, the army has completed all preparations for the test of this missile. On April 25, Pakistan test-fired an intermediate-range nuclear missile. A week after India successfully test-fired a nuclear-powered missile with a range of up to 5,000 km, Pakistan, known as its hostile neighbour, tested a medium-range missile. Most of Pakistan's missiles are built with the help of China, another hostile neighbor of India. It should be noted that after the separation of India and Pakistan in 1947, there have been three wars so far. Even though reconciliation initiatives have been taken several times, the Delhi-Islamabad tension has not been reduced in any way.

Chopped finger in sandwich USA TODAY

A Michigan teenager cut his finger while eating a sandwich. The reputation of the famous US restaurant 'Arbis' is under threat in this incident. According to the news of the leading US newspaper 'USA Today', a restaurant worker cut his finger while cutting meat last week. Then accidentally the cut finger got mixed with the flesh. It was later found in the 14-year-old's sandwich. The finger was about an inch long and a quarter of an inch thick. Arbis spokesman John Gray said in a statement, "We are deeply embarrassed by this unexpected incident." We also apologize to that guest. The incident is being investigated. After the incident, the restaurant was closed and food preparation was also stopped. After that, the restaurant was cleaned and reopened with the help of the local health department, he said. Arbis has multiple branches across the United States, employing 66,000 people.

The fish of the river that has to be released after catching

Rafting is available on the river Jiavorli which flows through the Namiri forest. This rafting point is near Baluk Pong. There are no waves in this river. But interestingly, there is Mahasher game angling in the Jiavorli river. Game angling means catching fish and releasing them. The fish that is released is called Mahasher fish. The reason for catching and releasing this fish is to prevent the Mahasher fish from disappearing here. It is forbidden to catch or eat Mahasher fish. On both sides of the river are forests and jungles. Area of 200 square kilometers. The grass, the bamboo forest, the huge trees of many years old, the light-dark water flowing through the dense forest and the incredible beauty of Jiavorli - all in all, Namiri is simply amazing. The distance of this forest from Tezpur of Assam is only 35 km. This name is called heaven of birds. Named Nameri National Park. It is located on the Assam-Arunachal border. Nameri forest is a favorite place for bird lovers. Bird lovers come here everyday to see many species of birds. Someone took a picture. Nameri forest has 300 species of birds. Among them there are many rare species of birds. White winged duck, mallard, great cormorant, black baja, merganza etc. are notable. Tiger, pig, leopard, wild dog, fishing cat live in this forest. Usually during the day these animals move from the buffer towards the core area, but elephants, gaur, sambar, barking deer can be seen in the morning and evening. While walking in this primeval forest, it is not unusual to meet any of them in the reign of elephants, gaurs, tigers, leopards and wild pigs.

A different kind of power

Miroslaw Magola is a man of exceptional talent and strength. Through the power of psycho kinesis, he can lift an object from the ground to the void with the help of his body. With great psychic power, he exerts his exceptional powers and can float an object or vessel into the void just by touching it with his body without holding it.

Loud applause

70-year-old Zhang Quan is a very popular person for his exceptional features. When he clapped his hands, it made a loud noise like a helicopter fan. So many people are excited by the sound of clapping. The police have warned him that he will be arrested if there is noise pollution.

Tarzan of this time!

His name is Kevin Richardson. It will not be wrong to call him the Tarzan of this era. He can easily win over any ferocious creature. Lions, tigers, cheetahs and even hyenas become his friends due to one of his exceptional powers or characteristics. Never lunges at him or attacks him.

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