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Samsung Galaxy S5 will be released in early 2014

The Dhaka Times Desk It is believed that the popular smartphone manufacturer Samsung will launch the next version of its Galaxy S series with a 5-inch display and plastic body Galaxy S5 in the market early next year.


However, Samsung still hasn't said anything about when the next model Galaxy S5 will be launched, what features will be added to it, or if it has any plans to make future models of the Galaxy S series.

However, several tech media have already confirmed the Galaxy S5 launch and possible timing from their various sources. According to various sources, the Galaxy S5 will have a 16 megapixel ISOCELL technology main (back) camera, 3 GB of RAM and a 4,000 mAh battery. In addition, it has a 5-inch OLED display, plastic body. Since the camera is using ISOCELL technology, it will be possible to take faster pictures in low light than before. As expected, there is a 64-bit processor similar to the 64-bit processor used in the iPhone 5S. Because it was announced earlier by Samsung that they will use 64bit processor in all their future products.

Meanwhile, the Galaxy S5 has a multi-party video call system where you can make video calls separately using the front and rear cameras. The latest version of Android is Android 4.4 KitKat as the operating system of Galaxy S5.

For now, various information about Samsung Galaxy S5 has been released, but to be sure about the real thing, we have to wait until February or March 2014 because it is thought that Samsung Galaxy S5 will start commercial production around January 2014.

Source: The TechJournal
Special thanks to: techreader

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