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Coming to Facebook 'Save for Later' new feature!

The Dhaka Times Desk Facebook authorities are constantly bringing new and changed systems for Facebook users, this time Facebook as a new benefit 'Save for Later' Going to come up with a new system of names.


Facebook is world famous social media 'Save for Later' A number of Facebook users have already started getting this facility experimentally.

'Save for LaterIn this system, if Facebook users click on a link in the news feed and do not have time to read it at that time, they can save it for later reading. At present, Facebook's research has shown that Facebook users do not click on various links shared on Facebook. Nor do they read the news or sources immediately.

'Save for Later' In the system, you can read any link that comes to your news feed on Facebook, which is shared by a friend or a page, if you don't want to read it immediately and later if you want to read it at your free time, because all the links will be added in the case of sharing. 'Save for Later' Name button!

Facebook has already given this opportunity to all the users Facebook has succeeded as expected, it is currently seen that many Facebook users who are experimental 'Save for Later' They have been given the facility to save various links and then visit those links at their own convenience.

This is Facebook though 'Save for Later' The feature has been tested for a limited number of users but is expected to be rolled out to all users very soon.

Source: The TechJournal

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