The Dhaka Times
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On June 2, the health minister called for vitamin A capsules to be given to children

Dhaka Times Report. Today, on June 2, the Minister of Health called upon the parents to bring every child between six months and five years to the nearest health center. A F M Ruhul Haque.
২ জুন শিশুদের জন্য ভিটামিন এ ক্যাপসুল খাওয়ানোর আহ্বান জানিয়েছেন স্বাস্থ্যমন্ত্রী 1
The health minister said that as part of the national vitamin A plus campaign program, vitamin A capsules will be given to more than 22 million children aged 6 months to 5 years across the country including the capital today. At the same time, more than 19 million children aged 2 to 5 years will be given deworming pills. Apart from this, a campaign will also be conducted to breastfeed children up to six months.

This year's slogan has been chosen - Feed Vitamin A, Reduce Child Mortality Risk'. He made this call in a press conference organized in the conference room of the Secretariat on May 29. The press conference was also attended by Senior Secretary Mohammad Humayun Kabir, Additional Secretary Amir Hossain, Shafiqul Islam Lashkar, Ashraful Islam, Director General of Health Department Professor Dr. Khandaker Sifayet Ullah and others.

The health minister also said that there is no health risk for the child if vitamin 'A' capsules and anthelmintic tablets are consumed. He commented that children should not be given capsules or pills on an empty stomach or when they are crying.

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