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If the people of war-torn Syria are not killing lions and eating meat?

The Dhaka Times Desk A photo has spread worldwide online news media showing some Syrian citizens killing a local zoo lion and sharing its meat!

Syrians cutting up a lion

The civil war is going on in Syria, the war between President Bashar al-Assad's government and the rebels is killing countless people, and the country's economy is collapsing at the same time. Ordinary Syrians are desperate to gather food, with family members going without food for a day or two in some cases.

In this dire situation, the people of the Muslim country of Syria are ready to eat any food as long as it is confirmed that it is religiously halal and haram. Local clerics have already said that any food can be eaten to save life, whether it is a mouse, a cat or a lion, a tiger!

The above picture circulating on social media and online news media shows a man holding the head of a dead lion while 3 others are cutting meat from the lion's body. Some media say this lion is the war-torn South Ghouta of the region Al-Qarya al-Shama The name of the zoo.

Although the truth of the matter could not be confirmed, but considering the current situation in Syria, this context is no different! The situation in Syria is so bad that people can eat the meat of lions or other animals for their own food. They have economic problems and food shortages. The war is going on between the government and the rebels, it is being killed indiscriminately, the common people are living a miserable life at the same time! last week suburbs Only in the region 100 Human bodies have been found. So far it has been known from various sources that approx 11,420 Many children died of war injuries or starvation.

Source: The Independent
Special thanks to: The Telegraph

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