The Dhaka Times
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Khandkar Mahbub regarding the method of arresting Rizvi: This government has defeated seventy one

The Dhaka Times Desk Regarding Rizvi's arrest, Bar Council Vice Chairman Advocate Khandaker Mahbub Hossain said that the manner in which a political leader was arrested was beyond the standards of the 1970s.


He made this comment to reporters after visiting the central office of BNP on Saturday afternoon. He said, 'BNP's joint general secretary Ruhul Kabir Rizvi Ahmed has been arrested in a way that has defeated seventy one. "This is a shameful incident, a blow to democracy," he told reporters.

At that time Khandkar Mahbub Hossain was accompanied by former president of Dhaka Bar Advocate Sanaullah Mia, journalist leader Ruhul Amin Gazi, Amirul Islam Kaguji, Mohammad Mahasin Hossain, Jahangir Alam Pradhan and others.

Regarding the one-sided election in the country, Vice Chairman of the Bar Council, Advocate Khandaker Mahbub Hossain said, 'If one-sided election is forced, there will be a flood of blood in this country. We don't want that.' He called upon the Prime Minister to resign to resolve the ongoing crisis.

It is to be noted that DB Police arrested 2 persons including BNP Joint Secretary General Ruhul Kabir Rizvi from the Nayapaltan central office of BNP in a raid today at around 4 am. It is alleged that some TV reporters and cameramen were assaulted when they went to take pictures.

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