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Prayer helps people self-control!

The Dhaka Times Desk Prayer is involved in every aspect of our lives. In a practical sense we remember the Creator of prayer in times of danger. The good news is that a study has shown that prayer helps people regulate their emotions and behavior. People pray as a response to the demands of life and as a result people are able to gain strength and stay away from greed.


Saarland University And  University of Mannheim Its German psychologists have found that prayer helps people with self-control.

Researchers conducted a study on 79 people of different religions and atheists. They are told to spend five minutes alone and silently pray or think deeply. Then one group of them was asked to remain normal and another group was asked to suppress emotions and control facial responses. The results of a test they faced there, called the Stroop test, showed that those who prayed first were able to control themselves, but those who were engaged in general thinking without praying were unable to control themselves and made mistakes on the test.


The research paper, published in the Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, found that even very short periods of prayer help people develop self-control and, along with self-control, help prepare the body for work.

Muslims who perform five daily prayers enjoy benefits in their daily life. By regular five times prayer, people learn discipline and stay away from restlessness, depression and anxiety diseases and at the same time this practice helps people in self-control.

Prayer and any kind of prayer keeps people away from all the bad aspects of the characteristic features and tendencies of worldly greed, and at the same time, through prayer, people's minds gain stability, and the human body remains fresh and strong, and it provides effective support and self-control. So everyone regardless of religion we must focus on regular prayer.

Reference: The Daily Mail

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