The Dhaka Times
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The impact of the blockade on the market. The price of daily necessities including raw market is increasing

The Dhaka Times Desk As the supply is low due to the continuous blockade, the daily necessities including vegetables, fish have gone beyond the reach of common consumers.


The price of vegetables has increased by Tk 10 to Tk 20 per kg in the market. Every year when new potatoes appear in the market, the price is high but it keeps decreasing by 5/10 per kg every day. But this time there is an exception. The price of new potatoes has increased by Tk 35-40 per kg in the last few days due to lack of imports due to blockade.

Looking around the market, the price of new potatoes has increased the most. A new potato of 40 taka is selling at 80 taka today in a span of 4 days. Traders said that potatoes could not come due to the blockade. So the price has gone up a bit.

Beans which were sold at Tk 40 last week are now being sold at Tk 50-60. 40 rupees is now selling at 60 rupees. Bitter gourd worth Tk 50 is being sold at Tk 60 per kg. Again, 15 taka papaya was seen to be sold at 18 to 20 taka. Chilli is being sold at Tk 50 to Tk 60. Among other items, long brinjal Rs 40-50, round brinjal Rs 50-62, shrimp Rs 35-45, radish Rs 30-45, old potato same as before Rs 20, carrot Rs 40, potal Rs 30-35, barb Rs 60 , tomatoes are being sold at Tk 100-120. Of course, the price of tomatoes was the same even before the blockade. But since winter has started, the price of tomatoes is supposed to come down now. But due to strike and blockade, the prices of these things have increased.

Due to the blockade, cauliflower has increased from Tk 30 to Tk 40 per piece, cabbage has increased from Tk 25 to Tk 35, sweet pumpkin of medium size Tk 60 to Tk 90 and gourd at Tk 60 per piece, jali pumpkin is being sold at Tk 45-55. But Jali was sold between 30-45 rupees before the blockade.

However, the price of vegetables has not increased compared to that. The price of all types of vegetables, green vegetables, red vegetables, kalmi vegetables, gourd vegetables, spinach, radish vegetables, pui vegetables, data vegetables and other types of vegetables are being sold as before.

Due to the blockade, the price of fish has increased considerably. A fish trader in the capital said that no fish can come from far because of the blockade. Fish are coming from ponds, ponds and drains around the capital. That's why the price of fish has increased. Small size rui has increased from 150 to 180 taka, large size rui has increased from 250 to 300 taka, small katal has increased from 130 taka to 150 taka, sharpun of 130 taka is now being sold at 140 taka. Rock fish, pangas, horn, sand fish, Baim, high breed koi, big tengra, shrimp, boal and tilapia fish have increased by Tk 20 to Tk 40 per kg compared to last week.

The only exceptions are ginger, garlic and onion. The prices of these three products have further decreased compared to last week. Onion of domestic 90 taka jg price is being sold at 75 taka. Indian onion is now selling at 55 rupees from 80 rupees. Garlic reduced from 80 to 70 taka. 180 Tk per kg of ginger is now sold at Tk 160 per kg.

Meanwhile, many small businessmen said that they are keeping the price of goods high by blocking the wholesale markets. That's why they have to sell it that way. No one can say when the political situation in the country will be normal. If the situation is not normal, then what will happen to the common people of the country? There is nothing to do but hope that the political situation will normalize and everything will be within reach.

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