The Dhaka Times
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Ongoing blockade-hartal: Only tourism industry loss of 2 thousand crores!

The Dhaka Times Desk A stalemate has been created across the country in the political movement with ongoing blockades and strikes. The country's economy has collapsed in this movement that has been going on for more than a month. 2 thousand crores loss in the tourism industry alone!


Due to ongoing political unrest across the country, the country's economy is having a major impact. Tour Operators Association of Bangladesh (TOAB) said that the tourism industry alone has suffered a loss of around 2 thousand crore rupees this season. The organization gave this information in a press conference held at the conference lounge of the National Press Club on Wednesday.

In the press conference, president of Towab, Professor Dr. Akbar Uddin Ahmad said, 'Winter is the main season of tourism. Due to political unrest for the last 3 years we have faced a big loss. Only in the current season, we have lost about 2 thousand crore rupees.

Professor Dr. Akbar Uddin Ahmad also said, "There are 300 members in our organization." Everyone is facing an irreparable loss today. And those who have taken loan from the bank are being chased to repay the loan. All in all, a difficult situation is going on in our tourism industry.'

The leaders of the organization called upon the government to protect this industry by putting the tourism industry above all else in the press conference. Leaders feel, 'The government still does not understand that tourism is an industry and has bright potential. Not only are we losing foreign exchange due to political instability, but our image is also tarnished in the outside world.

In order to protect the tourism industry, the tourist zones and tourist transportation should be kept out of all political activities, including the blockade of tourist transport, bringing the tourist areas under the security forces, maintaining the permission from the DC for traveling to Chittagong Hill Tracts and other areas as per the previous rules, in a written statement.

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