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7 reasons why drinking warm lemon water is beneficial!

The Dhaka Times Desk Most people wake up in the morning and take tea or coffee as a warm drink. Drinking a glass of warm lemon water in the morning can give maximum benefits to anyone. Don't drink lemon water just for the taste or to relieve fatigue, let's know about other reasons why drinking lemon water is important.

WomanDrinking lemon Water

1. Increases immunity: Lemons are rich in vitamin C which boosts immunity, protects against respiratory infections. Contains iron and ascorbic acid which reduces asthma and is also very effective against colds.

2. Keeps the acid-alkaline level of the body: Although lemons contain ascorbic and citric acids, lemons are one of the foods that can balance the body's acid-base balance. These acids keep the blood acid-base level right after digestion.

3. Aids in digestion: Citrus flavonols in lemons act as digestive tonics. It is believed to cleanse and stimulate the liver – lemon juice helps the digestive hydrochloric acid and digests the food present in the stomach.

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4. Keeps the skin clean: Vitamin C and antioxidants in lemon destroy free radicals. Free radicals are one of the main causes of aging. Antioxidants in lemon remove rough skin and blemishes. Vitamin C and antioxidants are also effective in keeping acne-causing bacteria at bay and keeping the skin youthful.

5. Speeds up the healing process: The ascorbic acid in lemon is known as vitamin C which helps in wound healing. At the same time, these also play a role in keeping the nerves of the body healthy. Vitamin C is very nutritious for the body which removes inflammation in the body and also relieves stress and any type of pain.

6. Hydration means keeping the amount of liquid in the body right: A glass of warm lemon water in the morning keeps your body hydrated. Also accelerates the digestive process throughout the day.

7. Brings the energy of the body: Lemon juice plays an important role in relieving fatigue as well as depression and fatigue. Even the smell of lemon can calm our nerves.

Reference: fitnia
