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New tablets instead of injections to cure diabetics!

The Dhaka Times Desk Danish company Novo Nordisk A new tablet for diabetics has begun testing. If this tablet is successful, diabetics can avoid injections.


Novo Nordisk's new drug 'GLP-1 Medicine' Being accused as The experimental use of this drug will begin this week. And in this phase, about 600 kogi will be experimentally applied this drug. The company's researchers believe that the results of experimental use will be understood within the next year. However, the drug may still take 5 to 6 years to reach the market.

Danish company Novo Nordisk is by far the world's largest diabetic drug manufacturer. Among the company's insulins 'Victoza' The name insulin is widely used. Victoza is injected into the body with an injection syringe that looks like a pen. This is an edible tablet that will bring huge benefits to insulin users, and also a new lucrative market for the company. The main hurdle in developing these edible drugs is ensuring that the drug is properly absorbed by the body's cells. Mad Krogsgaard, chief scientific officer of Novo Nordisk, expressed hope in this regard, "The data looks like we will succeed in this."

Currently there are 382 million diabetic patients in the world. Most of them are type-2 diabetics. According to one estimate, in 2012 alone, diabetes drugs were sold at a value of $42.2 billion worldwide.

References: Newsmaxhealth

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