The Dhaka Times
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Terrible words in the mouth of children!

The Dhaka Times Desk There is a saying that big words don't fit in small mouths. Children often start speaking in imitation of adults. And when the terrible body tickles the story, things get weird. Parents are naturally horrified to hear the terrible gags of young children. Because they don't know how little children learn the words. In the article, the terrible words that come out of children's mouths, which frighten parents as well as embarrass them.




A 2-year-old boy says to his father before going to sleep at night, “Goodbye! Dad.” Father corrects the mistake and says, "Good night!" The boy scares his father and says that he knows good night but this time he is saying goodbye to him.
In the middle of the night, the father gets scared and checks to see if his son is okay. How the death and departure customs suddenly arose in him at this tender age could not be reconciled.



A 3-year-old girl standing next to her newborn brother. After watching for some time, he shouted to his father, "Daddy!" It is a monster, it should be buried.
Her father could not make sense of the little girl's words.



A child is sitting with his mother with a terrible face. Mother asked, what happened to you? Most of the grown-ups will be angry in response to this little girl. The child said, imagining the stream of blood running over him.
How could the child think of such a terrible scene, he shuddered.



It's also a bit of a funny story. A 7-year-old child was jokingly asked, what is the best way to get a girlfriend? The child replied like an adult with bad character, tell her to be my girlfriend, or she won't see her parents for the rest of her life.
Where did the child learn such cinematic dialogues, the questioner could not figure out.



5 and 6 year old child talking with mother. The 5-year-old child said, "Mom, when you die, I will put you in this small glass jar." Before the mother knew it, the 6-year-old said, "That would be stupid, we'd have to find a bigger jar to fill it."



A 4-year-old girl gave her mother a terrible scare. The poor mother had only nightmares for the next week as a result of her rash. At 4 o'clock in the morning when the mother wakes up, she sees the girl whispering to her face. And saying, I will peel off your skin. After this incident, mother could not concentrate on work. He could not understand where his child learned these things.



This 3-year-old is quite a polite and sensible boy. But his only problem is that he suddenly tells his mother that he will never eat her bones again. He promises. Mother could not find any reason for this strange behavior.



In another incident, the child often talks about his father's shaving. The reason for this is that if the father's head is cut off, he will always be with it. It is not known where such strange ideas originated.



3-year-old sister holds her little brother for the first time and says, I will not throw him in the fire!

Although there are many funny incidents by children, these incidents are not funny at all. Children grow up looking around. It learns from what it gets from the environment. It is assumed that the behaviors of adults play a role in the everyday behavior of children. It is better not to talk about death, fear, violence etc. in front of children. Horror movies, TV shows not suitable for children should also be kept out of reach of children. Small children, if you are not very careful about how children are growing up, you can witness all the strange events like the above. So be careful, always be careful. Children should be brought up safely in science-based ways.


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