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10 Most Interesting Planets Discovered Outside the Solar System

The Dhaka Times Desk Beyond the solar system, the vast expanses of space span the vast expanses of planets and stars. Exploratory astronomers' telescopes have detected many planets scattered in distant galaxies, beyond the solar system. Let us know about some such planets.


1. Kepler-10b


The smallest planet ever discovered outside our solar system. Scientists unquestionably agree that it is the smallest rocky planet outside the solar system. It revolves around an 8 billion year old star. If you know how far it is located, the reader can eat! Located 560 light years away Kepler-10b Slightly larger than Earth. Note that the distance that light can travel in 1 year is called one light year.

2. TrES-4


TrES-4 It is called strange big planet. Its shape is so big that scientists don't want to admit its existence. Although a planet called TrES-4 is theoretically there, many astronomers do not want to admit it because of its suspicious shape. The planet is located 1400 light years away.

3. CoRoT-7b


CoRoT-7b Astronomers call the planet a superplanet or superplanet. The planet orbits a star 480 light years away. This planet is 5 times more massive than Earth and has twice the circumference of Earth.

4. OGLE-2005-BLG-390L b


This oddly named planet is said to be the coldest planet. It is estimated to be about 3300 light years away. The distance can be more or less. It is the coolest planet within human reach. The planet is 5.5 times the mass of Earth. The star the planet orbits is 2800 light years away.

5. WASP-12b


After the cool planet it is just the opposite. WASP-12b The planet is the hottest planet. Its surface temperature is 4000 degrees Fahrenheit or 2200 degrees Celsius. It is very close to the star it orbits. It is 1.5 times the mass of Jupiter in our solar system. Located 870 light years from Earth.

6. GJ 1214b


It was first identified in 2009. It is bigger than our Earth. It is orbiting a star only 40 light years away. The planet is 2.5 times larger and 6.5 times heavier than our Earth.

7. 51 Pegasi B


51 Pegasi B K is considered to be the first planet discovered outside the solar system. It is also very close, 50 light years away.

8. HAT-P-1


HAT-P-1 The planet is half the mass of Jupiter. But 24 percent is theoretically assumed to be wide. It is orbiting a star 450 light years away. Astronomers also call the planet the brightest planet.

9. HAT-P-11b


HAT-P-11b The planet is a warm and massive planet. It discovers HATnet. Its orbit is very close to the central star. 4.7 times larger than Earth's size.

10. XO-3b


XO-3b The planet was discovered in 2007. Planet 11.79 times heavier than Jupiter. Because the planet's orbit is not like that of other planets, its orbit is called a negative orbit.

References: The Tech Journal, Space

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