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Autoplay on Facebook video on mobile! If you don't want to see it, you must see it!

The Dhaka Times Desk Facebook has changed the management of videos in their timeline, from now on all videos uploaded directly to Facebook will start playing automatically!


The purpose of this new Facebook change is to force users to watch videos more! As a result, from now on, if a friend uploads a video on a user's timeline, it will automatically start playing when he goes to a certain video on the timeline, whether you want to watch it or not, you have to watch it!

This change of Facebook started experimentally last September, but this time it is being applied directly to the timeline of all mobile Facebook users. By doing this, users will see more videos uploaded to Facebook than before. Until now, in all the videos uploaded or shared on Facebook, users could see a play option and clicking on it would start the video. But from now the play option is no longer there if a user scrolls on a video in his timeline, he will automatically watch that video without pressing any play button!


However, this system will only be seen in the case of videos uploaded on Facebook, in the case of videos shared from YouTube or any other site, the play option will remain as before.

Keeping in mind the wide popularity of various video uploading sites, it is known that Facebook has taken this initiative to make video sharing popular on its site. Facebook hopes this move will encourage Facebook users to watch and share more videos. This system is now all Android And iOS Applicable to users.

Source: The TechJournal

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