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Good luck! Microsoft will integrate the entire Start menu in Windows 8.2

The Dhaka Times Desk Microsoft launched their Windows 8 without Start menu, however, due to user demand, later added a partial Start menu to Windows 8.1, but now due to high demand from users, Microsoft is going to decide to add a complete Start menu to the next version of Windows 8, 8.2.


The problem is that when the current Windows 8 first came to the market, Microsoft brought radical changes and various programs were seen across the entire display where Microsoft did not attach any other Start menu, so many users were confused about using Windows 8.

Many users have also been trained separately to use Microsoft's Windows 8, but this time Microsoft is said to be focusing on users' problems.

Since 1995, Start menu has been attached to Microsoft's Windows operating systems, finally when Microsoft canceled the Start menu system in their modern Windows 8, many users who have become accustomed to using the Start menu faced various problems. Actually a useful thing for start menu users. However, Microsoft has changed their decision and is going to add the complete start menu to the new Windows 8.2.

So if Microsoft is indeed re-incorporating the Start Menu into Windows, it will be a happy news for many users.

Source: The TechJournal

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