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Those who take extra pictures on the camera have less memory than others!

The Dhaka Times Desk There are many of us who feel comfortable capturing an event on camera rather than capturing it in form. But new research shows that people who like to keep a lot of pictures have poorer memory than others.


At present, cameras are much more accessible than before, at the same time, smartphones have brought high definition cameras to people's hands, so many people now feel more comfortable to store any event in the camera instead of saving it in any form.

A researcher at Fairfield University found that people who took a lot of pictures and wanted to keep them on camera instead of focusing on the event had a shorter memory than other people.

To do this research, the researchers asked several people to see the situation in a large hall (museum) with and without cameras. Those who were there with cameras took numerous pictures and wanted to record various things about the hall. On the other hand, others try to see the room in their brains without taking pictures on camera.

The Dhala

Later, the two groups were called separately and asked about the house. Surprisingly, those who used their brains instead of cameras to remember the memories were able to describe the events more truthfully than those who took pictures on cameras.

Dr. Linda Henkel, professor at Fairfield University, said, "When people hold a pose on a camera, they don't put as much emphasis on keeping it in their brain memory, so they forget it very quickly."

However, this research also says that in many cases, pictures also help us recall old memories!

Source: The TechJournal

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