The Dhaka Times
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Garlic is very useful in increasing intellectual power and curing chronic fever

The Dhaka Times Desk Garlic has many benefits for the human body. It is also particularly beneficial in increasing mental strength and curing chronic fever. Let's know how to get the benefits of eating this garlic.


Chewing one or two pieces of garlic every day and drinking hot milk increases intellectual power. Increases hair density. Even this medicine is useful for night acne patients. If you take this medicine for a few months, night vision improves in patients with night blindness. The number of arthritis patients is high in our country. Since ancient times, garlic has been fried in mustard oil and massaged with rheumatism. It reduces the pain of arthritis many times. Modern experiments have also proven the effectiveness of this drug. Garlic is beneficial for sperm. Eating two cloves of garlic paste with a little warm milk regularly will reduce sperm count. This diet increases bone strength and makes the body strong.

Garlic is used in herbal medicine to cure chronic fever. If the fever persists for 5/7 days, it should be mixed with garlic juice and ghee. It cures the fever in two to four days. Many people can't eat garlic because of the smell. But if you peel off the top of the garlic clove and soak it in sour curd for a night, the smell of garlic does not remain. However, while eating garlic, it should be remembered that eating garlic with fish or raw milk is prohibited in Vesaj Shastra.

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