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Ershad is finally coming to the election?

The Dhaka Times Desk Chairman of the party H. said that Jatiya Party will not go to the election. M. The news that Ershad had announced is going to change again - there have been reports in various media.


According to various news media, Jatiya Party under the leadership of Roshan Ershad is also going to the elections. This was the news all day yesterday. It was also reported yesterday that 60 seats are being ceded to the National Party.

The news of Ershad's arrest spread when RAB took him to CMH last night. First it was shown on TV that Ershad was arrested and taken to the cantonment under the control of RAB. Later, the RAB commander said that Ershad was ill and was admitted to CMH. After that Jatiya Party Secretary General Ruhul Amin Howladar told reporters that Ershad was not arrested, he was admitted to CMH as he was ill. At this time, Ruhul Amin said in response to the questions of the journalists regarding the election, that the presidium and the central leaders of the party will sit and take the next decision during the emergency crisis of the party.

Ruhul Amin Howlader's statement suggests that something like this might happen in Ershad's absence. Because the issue of resignation of the ministers of Jatiya Party has not been cut yet. Resignation not yet accepted. Ruhul Amin Howladar said on Wednesday, 'I just sent it by post, it takes time to reach.'

On the other hand, there is drama going on regarding the withdrawal of nomination papers of JPA candidates. After a meeting with Indian Foreign Secretary Sujata Singh on December 4, Ershad ordered the resignation of party ministers and withdrawal of nomination papers of party candidates. As of December 9, no one except 4/5 had withdrawn their resignations on the pretext of the opposition party's blockade programme. A few candidates sat in Dhaka and sent applications for withdrawal of nomination papers by fax, but it was not accepted. On December 11, Ershad applied to withdraw his nomination papers in 3 constituencies. However, due to the wrong date, the concerned returning officer did not accept the application to withdraw the nomination paper of Ershad in Dhaka-17 constituency. After correcting the date, he again submitted the application to withdraw the nomination paper in Dhaka-17 constituency yesterday. Ershad's brother GM Kader has also requested withdrawal of nomination papers. But there are exceptions. Most of the party's candidates, including Roshan Ershad, Anisul Islam Mahmud and Ziauddin Bablu, did not apply to withdraw their nomination papers. According to the latest information till yesterday Thursday, only 40 people have withdrawn their nomination papers in 248 constituencies.

Due to the drama of ministerial resignation, withdrawal of election nomination, Ershad's arrest drama, it can be roughly said that Ershad is heading for the election again. But after today maybe the matter will be completely cleared.

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