The Dhaka Times
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Election related people will vote online this time

The Dhaka Times Desk The officials who perform the duties during the elections are often not possible to go to their constituencies to vote. So this time the concerned people will vote online. The Election Commission is going to take that opportunity.

vote online

The Election Commission (EC) is going to make arrangements so that the officials and employees related to the election can vote through the Internet. However, this opportunity will be given only to the officers and employees in charge of the electoral area and the members of law and order forces.

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Due to being a voter in their own area, many times those who are responsible for the national parliament election are responsible for other places. It is not possible for them to vote responsibly in such a situation. Although there is a provision for voting through postal ballot, many people lose interest due to various complications. That is why the Election Commission is thinking about online voting system. They have calculated that if this system is introduced, at least 5 lakh voters will be able to exercise their right to vote.

The Election Commission has already prepared a draft report in this regard. However, no final decision has been made yet. In addition to the online system, the Election Commission is also thinking of taking votes in a special system. According to the sources of the Election Commission, the final decision will be taken after scrutiny.

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