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According to CNN, the world's top 10 politically unstable countries

The Dhaka Times Desk There is not a lot of peace in the present world, even though some countries can maintain their political stability, many countries are fighting for power, today for you with a list of 10 politically unstable countries. The Dhaka Times This report.


CNN has shown in a survey among the 197 countries of the world by analyzing 52 indicators that the most politically unstable countries in the world have taken a place in the top ten.

A terrible civil war has been going on in Syria since 2010. There are conflicting attacks between the government and the rebels, killing many people and destroying government and state property. By all indicators, Syria ranks second in the list of countries with political instability. On the other hand, Somalia, which was number 44 in 2010, has risen to number one!

Afghanistan, Sudan and Congo rank between one and five. Nothing new to say about Egypt where people are using Tahrir Square against one leader after another and the army is getting tougher there.

On the other hand, the political stability of India, Uganda, and the Philippines has not improved or deteriorated.

Surveys for Malaysia and Israel show that they have improved from earlier. The report did not say anything good or bad about Bangladesh.

Now let's see the list of top 10 countries with political instability:

1. Somalia:


2. Syria:


3. Afghanistan:


4. Sudan:


5. Republic of Congo:


6. Central African Republic:


7. Yemen:


8. Libya:


9. South Sudan:


10. Iraq:

Source: CNN

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