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Pak Interior Minister – "Bangladesh has wounded an old wound by hanging Quader Mullah, Pakistan's friend"

The Dhaka Times Desk Pakistan Home Minister Chowdhury Nisar Ali Khan said that Quader Mullah is an old friend of Pakistan's people and integrity, as Quader Mullah was on the side of Pakistan in the 1971 war, today Bangladesh sentenced him to death which is very sad.


Chowdhury Nisar Ali Khan He said that 42 years ago today, Pakistan engaged in a war with Bengalis to protect its integrity, at that time the members of Bangladesh Jamaat-e-Islam, including Quader Mullah, supported the Pakistani forces on behalf of Pakistan, as a result, after 42 years, the government of Bangladesh has brought them to justice and is implementing the verdict, which is true. sad It is clear judicial murder.

Chowdhury Nisar Ali Khan referred to Quader Mullah as a true friend of Pakistan and said in his statement to the media that Pakistan has lost a friend in the death of Quader Molla, the entire Pakistani people are disappointed in this incident.

The interior minister of Pakistan said that what is happening in the name of justice in Bangladesh on such an old issue is sad. Quader Mulla and Jamaat leaders committed themselves in 1971 for Pakistan and to maintain the unity of Islamic Ummah which cannot be a crime in any way, and besides these incidents are dragging the old issues of 42 years ago and the current Bangladesh government is trying Jamaat leaders which is sad. father He also said that by prosecuting Quader Mullah and other staunch Pakistan-friendly Jamaat leaders, Bangladesh has struck Pakistan's old wound again. Every Pakistani people is deeply saddened by the death of Quader Mulla last Friday.

It should be noted that after the execution of Quader Molla's verdict in various media, many people are saying that Quader Molla, who organized the crime in Mirpur in 1971, and Jamaat leader Quader Molla, who were brought to justice, are not the same person. After this statement by Pakistan's Interior Minister Chowdhury Nisar Ali Khan, it became clear that Quader Molla and other leaders of Jamaat-e-Islam who were They took Pakistan's side in the Great Liberation War of Bangladesh in 1971 and are still being tried by the International War Crimes Tribunal and each one of them is still considered by the people and leaders of Pakistan as their friends.

Source: Update

The Pakistani national media published the statement of Pakistan Interior Minister Chowdhury Nisar Ali Khan that Quader Mullah and leaders of Jamaat-e-Islam Bangladesh, who were convicted of war crimes and crimes against humanity in 1971, are old friends of the people of Pakistan and they supported the invading Pakistani forces in the war for Pakistan in 1971.

However, due to the use of numerous news sources, many claim that the Jamaat-e-Islam leaders accused of war crimes and crimes against humanity in Bangladesh are innocent and that they were young or underage at the time. In this case, the Interior Minister of Pakistan said in his own words that Quader Mullah was a friend of Pakistan and now Jamaat leaders who are accused of organizing crimes against humanity with Pakistanis in the Great War of Liberation in Bangladesh in 1971 worked for Pakistan at that time. And this statement of Pakistan Home Minister has been published by all the media of that country so this statement cannot be false. The Dhaka Times Never publishes fake news and uses real sources for all news.

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