The Dhaka Times
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The red-green flag of Bangladesh has recorded as the world's largest human flag!

The Dhaka Times Desk The red-green flag of Bangladesh is going to get a place in the Greenhouse Book of Records as the world's largest flag. This has been organized on the occasion of Great Victory Day 2013. Details with video are added below.


Update: We've set the record for the world's largest human-flag! With 27,117 people participating, we set the world's largest human-flag record at 6 minutes and 17 seconds.
Human Flag 2

Bangladesh's private mobile operator Robi is the main sponsor of this event. Bangladesh Army is the partner of this event. On the occasion of Great Victory Day 2013, this event has been organized on December 16 at the National Parade Ground. 30 thousand volunteers, army, air force and navy participated in it. Many people including thousands of school and college students with red-green placards participated spontaneously to fly this red-green flag.


The National Parade Ground has been thronged since morning. Everyone was happy with Ravi's arrangement. The joy of today's victory has added a new dimension to people's hearts. There is no doubt that the people of the world will be amazed to see this huge flag. Seeing the national parade ground shows how people's self-sacrifice and patriotism have emerged. The sight of this huge flag at the National Parade Ground has impressed the world including 16 crore people of the country.

[Exclusive Video] Watch the video of Bangladesh recording as the world's largest human-flag

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