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Pictorial: The Tale of a Frog Called to Death

The Dhaka Times Desk We saw many kinds of frogs. But this frog is an amazing frog. That frog kills crocodiles and even snakes. There is a story of such a frog in today's pictorial writings.

Everyone is shocked to see such a monstrous frog. Researchers are also worried. And researchers from Charles Darwin University in Australia have fallen into this thought. Seeing that Australia's rare species of crocodiles are decreasing, the researchers are wide-eyed to discover the reason! Can such an event ever happen? Researchers couldn't help but wonder. They found that crocodiles are decreasing because of a small species of frog. It does not end here. Those frogs put their eyes not on their foreheads, but on their heads. Because of frogs or snakes are decreasing! But we all know that frogs are the main food of snakes. We all know that snakes always prey on frogs, but now it turns out that the exact opposite is the case. The frog is hunting the snake. They eat that food or the snake is dying. Crocodiles are also dying.

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Seeing the frog, the snake runs away in fear of its life. No huge frogs have been found, but the shape of the frog is normal like all other frogs. The researchers said, the name of this species of frog is Can Toad. Their role behind the death of snakes is huge. Even crocodiles are dying in their hands every now and then.

According to a report, these amazing frogs are found in Australia. Their whole body is covered with tough skin. But the researchers said, these frogs look weird. On the hard skin there are again strong hard appendages like thorns. However, the researchers say, the main problem is not those parts that are hard like the spines of the body. The main problem is the frog's poison sac. Researchers said that these frogs have venom sacs like snakes. And that is in their head. When snakes attack them, they spread venom all over the body. It is not possible for the snake to survive.

According to Charles Darwin University researchers, a type of crocodile is about to become extinct because of these poisonous frogs. Although crocodiles are quite small compared to common crocodiles. Male crocodile is 1.7 meters i.e. 5 and a half feet long. And female crocodiles are quite a bit shorter in length. The length of the female crocodile is seven and a half meters ie 2 feet 3 inches. Because they are small in size, this type of crocodile is called pygmy or stunted crocodile by scientists. This rare species of crocodile is declining in some parts of Australia at a very rapid and alarming rate.

Researchers studying crocodiles in the Northern Territory's Victoria and Bullo rivers are alarmed. One area had 28 pygmy crocodiles in early 2007. Less than half within a year. It is surprising to hear - 18 are reduced and only 10 remain. That's when various researchers started looking for the reason. Then while searching for the reason, the news of a special type of death trap for a particular species of frog came up. Researchers are fairly certain that crocodiles have started to decline since the arrival of the poisonous frogs. Researchers believe that the crocodiles grab the frogs for lack of alternative food, and the poison in the frog's head causes their death within a short time. And this is how crocodiles are decreasing. After researching for a long time, the researchers brought the issue to the public.

Researchers say these frogs are moving towards east-southern Australia. But the researchers are convinced that, in any case, the frogs' movement speed is much slower. These frogs can travel only 50 kilometers a year. That's why scientists are relieved to some extent. Source: Dainik Yugantar.

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