The Dhaka Times
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Call for the siege of the Pakistani embassy on Wednesday, public awakening stage!

The Dhaka Times Desk Ganajagran Manch has called for a siege of the Pakistani embassy to protest Pakistan's immoral actions on the trial of war criminals! The leaders of the Ganajagran Manch said that the Pakistani embassy in Dhaka will be surrounded by a huge procession around 3 pm on Wednesday.


Recently, Pakistan has been very vocal against the verdict of the trial of war crimes and crimes against humanity committed in Bangladesh in 1971, a statement from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of that country also expressed concern about the trial of Jamaat leaders on the issue of war crimes. At the same time, a condolence resolution for Bangladeshi war criminal Kader Mullah was introduced in the National Assembly of that country, which was passed. On the other hand, various leaders of that country are also making various comments about the trial of Kader Mullah, which is clearly considered to be a meddling in the internal affairs of Bangladesh. Pakistan Peoples PartyAnd they said in their statement that Bangladesh is an independent country and Pakistan should not talk about the judicial system of that country. already Pakistan's High Commissioner Mian Afrasiab Mehdi Hashmi Qureshi has been urgently summoned to Bangladesh's Foreign Ministry on Tuesday. Bangladesh's concerns about these issues have been expressed.

Recently, Ganajagran Manch has decided to surround the Pakistan Embassy on these issues, said the leader of the Manch Imran H Sarkar Told the media. He said that the procession will start from Gulshan 2 Goal Square from 3 pm on Wednesday.

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