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Reviveaphone can be used to fix water damaged mobiles from now on!

The Dhaka Times Desk Falling mobile phone in water is a common phenomenon, so far if any mobile phone fell in water it could not be used anymore, but now with the new Reviveaphone in the market, you can easily reactivate the mobile device that fell in water.


Reviveaphone made Oliver Murphy A 20-year-old youth named Through this, if any electrical device gets damaged by falling into water, it can be activated very easily. Reviveaphone Formulated with a liquid that helps in reviving water damaged mobile parts and water damaged mobile parts can be repaired using Reviveaphone.


Any mobile phone will be functional again within 24 hours of Reviveaphone application Oliver Murphy He also told the media that Reviveaphone is a powerful solution that absorbs all types of water and restores the functionality of the mobile's internal components. Inventor Oliver Murphy said there are plans to roll out Reviveaphone worldwide.

Our precious smart phones can fall into water any time, and many have experienced this, and reviving smart phones once they fall into water is a very difficult task, this difficult task is expected to become very easy with Reviveaphone. . Besides Reviveaphone very easily with waste in water Other devices like CD player, DVD player, remote etc. can be fixed.

Let's see how Reviveaphone works:

Anyone can buy Reviveaphone for Rs. 1900 here from It is expected to be available in Bangladesh soon.

Source: The Tech Journal

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