The Dhaka Times
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The Pakistani Taliban have threatened to attack the Bangladeshi embassy in Islamabad at any time!

The Dhaka Times Desk Pakistani Taliban protesting the execution of Bangladeshi war criminal Jamaat leader Quader Molla militant organization Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) has announced an attack on the Bangladeshi embassy in Pakistan.


Pakistan's most influential newspaper The Nation The Pakistani Taliban said in their report militant organization Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) said in a statement that they will attack the Bangladesh embassy in Pakistan at any time to protest the trial of Jamaat-e-Islami leader Quader Mollah and other Jamaat leaders in Bangladesh who were executed for murder, rape and war crimes in 1971 during the Great Liberation War of Bangladesh.

militant organization Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan In view of the threat of this form of attack by (TTP), the security has been strengthened in the Bangladesh Embassy of Pakistan. Bangladesh Embassy in Pakistan is located in the elite residential area of Islamabad.

Meanwhile, Pakistan's government has been given a special warning message about the attack on the Bangladesh embassy from the Intelligence Directorate of that country. The Nation According to the newspaper report, they have information that the Taliban are enraged by the hanging of Mullah, so they will try to attack the Bangladesh embassy at any time.

Source: The Daily Star And Pakistani newspaper The Nation,

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